On 10 July, Colin Brown will join 16,000 cyclists trying to cycle 167 kilometres and climbing more than 4700 metres on what will be the 12th and hardest stage of this year’s Tour de France.
He will do this to raise funds for the Lénaïc Fund for Quality Journalism which is seeking to kick start its funding efforts after an enforced lull caused by the pandemic.
The fund is set up in honour of Lénaïc Vaudin d’Imécourt, a pioneering journalist in EU and particularly trade affairs, who was taken from us far too early. It helps young female journalists from all over the EU get a first traineeship in journalism in Brussels, setting them up for a career reporting on EU affairs.
Having funded 7 fellows, this effort will kick off funding for an 8th fellow, to be recruited toward the end of the year.
Colin also helped raising funds in 2019, when he managed to raise an incredible sum of more than €3000.
Let’s try better that this year!
You can help raise money by going to Colin’s GoFundMe page.
We are incredibly grateful to Colin and all the donors supporting the fund, thank you.